Mojima Etokudo, Mid-August 2024

Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ in Christ Jesus name.

Between August 6 to 9, 2024, I work with Chad Wagner who came with his wife Rena and his team at the Nigerian Christian Bible College NCBC Annual Bible Lectureship which also features the 70th anniversary of NCBC.

It was a great fellowship with the saints as opportunity to preach the Gospel to the lost Souls was created and 65 Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ in the four days event after hearing the Gospel from many Preachers who served in one segment or the other during the NCBC Annual Bible Lectureship.

Our Evangelism Bus was a great boost as it helps convey many to the NCBC Annual Bible Lectureship and other Bible Seminars, some none members of the Lord’s Church also joined in the NCBC Annual Bible Lectureship, and one of them was baptized at NCBC. We give God the glory. 

Yesterday Sunday August 18, I preached the sermon from John 3:27 at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong, a young girl whose parents were baptized in February during our Women Bible Seminar (Peace Effiong Dickson) obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.

We also hold inaugural planning meeting for our Bible Seminars / Evangelism in 2025 at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong yesterday Lord willing,  

During our Ukanafun WBSET meeting on Thursday work fund was among the Preachers and plans for Bible Seminars/ Evangelism for 2025 was discussed, appraisal for 2024 Bible Seminars/Evangelism as made, follow up and challenges was shared. From reports, the impact of our Bible Seminars/Evangelism and our Free Medical check, Eye Glass and check is huge and positive as many who come for a medical assistant also become Christians after many months. We pray for more opportunity and resources to do more.

Our Evangelism Bus develop some mechanical fault during one of our Evangelism outreach, we thank God we found a Mechanic Workshop who helped fixed the bus though it delay our work and some money.

Thank you so much to all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ for all your support to me, our Preachers and the church in Nigeria and African continent. God bless you and yours in Christ Jesus name Amen. Know that I am praying for you and yours daily, for your Labor of love in Christ shall be rewarded in God’s mission field here on Earth and eternally in Heaven above. 

Keep me, my family, my fellow teammate and the churches we labour with in your prayers. God bless you.

In Christian Love and Service,

Mojima Etokudo

Meeting with Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team planning the 2025 Bible Seminars/Evangelism Lord willing.

On Sunday August, 18, 2024, after worship service, the church at Ikot Odiong meet for planning on the 2025 Bible Seminars/Evangelism.

One of the daughter’s of our newly baptized during one of our Bible Seminars early this year (Peace Effiong) baptized and a copy of Bible was given to her and baptismal certificate.

My son Ekemini who is age 13 was a steward on Sunday worship serving at the Lord’s Table. Praying for him to grow stronger in the Lord.