Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, trust this mid- June reports finds you well.
As we explore more strategy to fulfill the Great Commission by Christ Jesus, we resolve to go to Schools to preach the Gospel to the students and Teachers with the hope they will come to the knowledge of Christ if not now, in the future.
We (The Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team) visited Two (2) Schools :
1. Community Secondary School, Nung Ita in Oruk Anam Local Government Area where I preached to about 700 students and Teachers, share Gospel Tracts and Bibles for their studies. The school Principal ask us to visit again.
2. Western Annang Secondary Commercial School (WASCO) Ukanafun, same activities above. Pray for our successful mission.
* I enroll in a 3 Months study with Pulpit Management International Institute and I was awarded a Certificate.
On Saturday June 15, I attended the Preachers Forum at Okoyo village were we had a Bible Seminar in April, we embarked on follow up and a Soul Nse Udo) obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo