Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ from Mojima Etokudo and physical family and well as my Spiritual families here in Nigeria and the Preachers at Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team serving in local congregations of churches of Christ in the rural areas. Trust this report finds you well. God bless you and yours in Christ Jesus name.
Our summary report of May 2024:
Sunday May 5:
The Church of Christ at Ata Essien Obioakpa were we had a Bible Seminar/Evangelism and Free Medical outreach in March this year has gained another One (1) Soul who obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ. The effects of our Bible Seminar is still yielding fruit, pray for more.
May 8-11:
Our Bible Seminar / Evangelism at Church of Christ, Ikot Edah as reported earlier gave birth to Ten (10) baptism into Christ while Four (4) erring brethren was restored back to the faith.
May 12:
Church of Christ, Ikot Akpan Eyo were we had Bible Seminar/ Evangelism in February this year gained another One (1) Soul through water Baptism into Christ, pray for more fruitful harvest.
May 14-17:
I was one of the officiating Preacher at the 2024 Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC) Annual Preachers Seminar on the theme ” DEPRESSION IN MINISTRY”. It was impactful
May 19:
* I had a very hectic day as I preached the sermon on ” The Cost of Being A Christian” at Church of Christ, Ikot Oku Usung village and some members of the church confess to repent from their old ways.
* Mediate in a conflict between Christians who are not mature in the faith that led them to a law court church of Christ,Odoro Ikot village.
* Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team went on Evangelism campaigns at Okoyo village and Four (4) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
May 23:
Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team meet for our evaluation and strategy meeting and I teach the Gospel Preachers on Pulpit Management during our lecture session.
May 25:
I preached a funeral sermon at the burial of the mother of a Preacher (Ime Effiong) who labour for the Lord in His kingdom and member of Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team by Church of Christ, Ibianga Ikot Eduep village
May 26:
I preached the sermon at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong village during Sunday morning worship, Two members of the community visit our worship and promised to visit and study the Bible with us.
Earthly Loss:
The Church at Ikot Odiong loss 3 members of one family to dead, we visited the family to pray with them for comfort.
The month of May was challenging in my health, that of my wife Ekaette, the little daughter of one of our Preacher as well the high rate of inflation in Nigeria. We need your prayers for good health, more fruitful mission in our labour for Christ and His Church and for economy stability.
Lord willing, I hope to join some of our Preachers to a short (12 days) missionary trip to Guinea and Sierra Leone in July 2024 to help in Evangelism and training session. Pray for God’s grace and resources.
Know that you are in our prayers daily, please as you do always, keep me, my family, our Evangelists at Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team and the churches we labour with to God in your prayers.
God bless you and your endeavors in Christ Jesus name.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo