Thank you so much for the gift of Evangelism Van, it’s been helpful, I am not yet able to drive the Van yet but employing the service of a Driver who drives whenever we are going on Evangelism and other church work.
Challenges: Driver, Fueling and maintenance of the Van. I am learning to drive manual vehicle as I can only drive automatic. But I will still need a Driver who will help mostly when I am busy in the field and may be physically weak sometimes.
Between September 3 to October 1, the Van has been used in the following areas:
* Helping some sick brethren to place of worship.
* Taking the Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team to Evangelism campaigns at Ikot Itam,.
* Taking our teammates to Indoor Bible Seminar at Abak.
* Carrying handicap brethren and prospects to worship and taking them back.
* Going on House fellowship.
EFFECT: Effect has been tremendous, weak brethren are encouraged and three members of a family BAPTIZED into Christ today October 1, 2023.
See attached photos for pictorial details.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo