Greetings to you and yours in Christ Jesus name.
I again write to report the effect of our Bible Seminar/Evangelism at Church of Christ, Ikot Akpan Eyo Ukanafun yesterday February 4, 2023.
Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team led the door to door Evangelism Preaching in the rural areas of Ikot Akpan Eyo and the neighborhood, inviting Sinners to our Bible Seminar with the Gospel of Christ.
Three (3) precious Souls
(1.) Anieno Saviour,
(2) Monday Lucky Esop,
(3) Progress Sunday Udo,
obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ yesterday at Ikot Akpan Eyo.
We hope for more response from those we preached to who promised to visit the church meeting.
Thank you so much for your generosity and continue Prayers. We need more of your prayers as we round up the 7th segments of our Bible Seminars/Evangelism campaigns in the 2023 first quarter coming up this week Wednesday to Saturday February 8 to 11,2023 at Church of Christ, Ikot Anta.
It’s been very hectic and stressful for me and my teammates but we are thankful to God for His Grace and fruitful mission.
God bless you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ for your numerous support towards our labour for Christ and His Church, indeed, your generosity really payoff.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo