Greetings from your brothers and sisters in Nigeria to you and all at the Shackle Island church of Christ. Again, Happy New year 2023, pray God for His Grace on you in all your endeavors in Jesus Christ Name.
Our first schedule Bible Seminar/ Evangelism in 2023 at the church of Christ, Ikot Osute, Nigeria went well.
The two days Bible Seminar/Evangelism campaigns on the theme: ” VERIFICATION” (2 Corinthians 13:5) begin yesterday January 3rd to 4th with the following activities.
* Door to door Evangelism
* Follow up on backsliders
* Open Air preaching at market place (morning and at night)
* Indoor Bible Lecture on the topic” Examine yourselves”
* Question and answer segment
* Prayers and songs of praises
* Meal fellowship etc.
* Five (5) erring brothers and sisters was restored to the faith.
* Saints edified
* Visitors and WBS students who responded to our invitation, promised to visit the church meeting on Sunday.
Thank you for your prayers and kind support, we need more of your prayers as we continue our schedule campaign on Saturday January 7, 2023, while next week January 12th to 14th 2023 is for church of Christ, Ikot Odiong and for other outlined campaigns till February 2023.
The Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team send greetings and pray for God’s blessings on you and yours.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo