Mojima sends…New church planted at Ekpenyong Atai


The Evangelism campaigns we embark on in the past weeks as reported on my Friday’s Evangelism Report  by our team of evangelists (The Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team)  yield tremendous fruit as the effect of the campaign gives birth to a new church at the Ekpenyong Atai  village on Sunday December 20,2020.

The Evangelism campaign on Friday has 13 members of the Ukanafun World Bible School Evangelism Team in attendance who go from house to house preaching Christ and His church.

On Sunday December 20, 2020 during the first and inaugural Sunday worship service  at Ekpenyong Atai  village, I preached the sermon on the topic “GOD’S PLAN TO SAVE MAN” ,  Two (2) Souls denied the kingdom of darkness and pledge their membership in the Kingdom of Christ as they baptized into Christ. The first two (2) converts were (Aniefiok Idio and Onofiok Okon).

Again, Two (2) Souls (Husband and wife) also baptized into Christ and the 4 newly baptized received Bible/Hymnals each as they have the need and Baptismal Certificate.

The First worship service had 16 people in attendance and many others pledge to become Christian through the gospel we preached.

After returning from the river for the baptism, we had launch fellowship together with the newly baptized and and all prospects who was at the worship service share in the launch. I provided funds for Coca-Cola drinks and Snacks used for the Launch fellowship.

In Christian Love and Service,  
Mojima Etokudo

Walking through the village
Preaching house to house
Bible study session
Aniefiok Idio, the first new brother at Ekpenyong Atai
Newly baptized couple receive Bible
Mojima preaches church’s first sermon during worship
Mojima and the WBS Evangelism Team