December 30th
Happy Lord’s Day to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island church of Christ, hope you have a Spirit filled worship today, mine was great at Church of Christ in Ikot Akpa Idem my home village were I preached the sermon from Luke 21 :32-34.
A Soul (Inemesit Ikpe Umoren) who was of women leader in the Apostolic Church denomination obeyed the Gospel and I baptized her into Christ. She was presented a copy of Holy Bible and Baptismal Certificate.
Thank you so much for providing the Bibles and Hymnals to help the new converts learn more about Christ. Pray for the newly baptized sister and for me and my work for Christ. God bless you and yours.
December 30th
Our planed Bible Seminars at the four (4) churches area is in top gear, we are grateful to God Almighty for your support toward the hosting of these Bible Seminars. I’m optimistic that by His grace many lives will be touched through your generosity.
As stated in my earlier proposal, see attached posters for the upcoming Bible Seminars associated with my ministry (WBSET, NCCE) which your support help in putting together. We need your continued prayers on the following Bible Seminar dates :
1. Ikot Osute on January 4-5, 2019
2. Ikot Akpa Nkuk on Jan 12,2019
3. Ikot Odiong on January 25-26,2019
4. Ikot Akpan Eyo on February 1-2,2019
December 31st
Sorry boring you with many reports of our activities, the team work I am coordinating in my rural area (WBSET /NCCE) really payoff for Christ and His church. Yesterday Sunday December 30, 2018, as a build up to the upcoming Two (2) Days Bible Seminar at Church of Christ, Ikot Osute. Four (4) precious souls obeyed the Gospel and was baptized into Christ. I received the good news from the Preacher and was excited. Pray for more harvest.
Thank you for your support toward the hosting of these Bible Seminars, God bless you and yours. I am doing my best to put things in place to enhance a successful event. Thank you so much for your generosity and for given me the opportunity to serve the Master Jesus Christ with you.
It is my hope that 2019 will bear more fruit in His kingdom.
January 1st
Happy New Year 2019! To my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island church of Christ.
Thank you for your prayers and numerous supports in the past year.
May our continue partnership in the sake of Christ help the furtherance of Christ kingdom more and more.
May God meet your heart desires, grant you good health, strength and the ability to do His will continually.
Thank you for being part of my family and ministry, you are indeed a great blessing and encouragement to us.
The church at Ikot Odiong, Ikot Akpan Eyo, our newly planted churches, Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team and NCCE appreciate you for your generosity.
God bless you and yours in Christ precious name. Amen.
In Christian love and service,
Mojima & Ekaette Etokudo