Mojima sends…Mid-April Update

Greetings to my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ from your brethren at Ikot Odiong and Ikot Akpan Eyo, my wife Ekaette greet you all. Hope this mail meet you well.

The first three (3) weeks of the month of April 2018 has been very hectic and fruitful in my ministry. My children were home from school for the holidays and we visited some new congregations, preached during worship, join them to door to door Evangelism, I preached at the Bible Seminar at Ikot Akpan Eyo and Ikot Osute, Christian Couples Retreat at Ikot Ukpong Eren, Abak Town Central Church, Church of Christ at Ikot Esa, Ikot Otok village and for a funeral service at Ikot Akpan Eyo. Many put on Christ, the erring was discovered during our door to door Evangelism and was restored.

During our week long evangelism campaign by the Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team at Ikot Osute village and its neighboring villages, Seven (7) souls obeyed the Gospel including a denominational deacon of the Deeper Life Bible Church “Akpan Job Ayama” who double State a pastor of his denomination, and a member of the Ikot Osute village council “Chief Friday Moses”.  During our door to door Evangelism, we discovered one sister Alice Daniel who backslides from the faith due to marriage 27 years ago and when we preached Christ and His church to her, she confessed that she was a Sister before marriage and that there was no church around her so her husband took her to a denominational church were she was made a deaconess, the Good news is that she worshipped on Sunday and confessed publicly asking God for forgiveness by kneeling down for a prayers of the saints for restoration. Each of the newly baptized was presented with a Holy Bible, Gospel Tracts and a Baptismal Certificate.

During our Women’s Bible Seminar for brethren and friends at Ukanafun Township Church of Christ by the NCCE, three (3) put on Christ.
They are
1. Rose Jacob from Ikot Akpan Idem village.

2. Nse Isaac from Nkek village and

3. Enobong Friday from Ikot Odiong Village.

Each of the newly baptized was presented with a Holy Bible and a Baptismal Certificate and they were introduced to Preachers in the various villages they came from so they can worship there.

The church at Ikot Akpan Eyo loss a Sister “Comfort Jackson” through dead and she was buried were I led in the funeral service.

I was a guest speaker at the 2nd Christian Couples Retreat organized by the NCCE/ Ukanafun WBSET at Church of Christ Meeting hall, Ikot Ukpong Eren on the theme”Christian Family and Conflict Management – A Path Way To Church Growth ” with the attendance of 108 representing 54 families drawn from 17 local congregations of the Lord’s church in the area.

I need your continued prayers for my physical family, health and strength to do more for Christ.  My prayers always go with you and yours.

A total of Ten (10)  souls obeyed the Gospel in different locations of my mission during the period of this report.

Thank you for your continued support in both physical and Spiritual supplies, they are indeed a great boost to Christ kingdom in Nigeria. God bless you.

In Christ
Mojima Etokudo.

PS. Photos will come in batches and some of the immersion pictures was not taken as there was no camera by those who went to the river for baptism but those taken is attached here , but I  did take the few attached  when Bible, Hymnal and Baptismal Certificate is presented to them:


New sister Patience Udo


New brother Friday Moses


A new sister


New brother Akpan Job


New brother Inyang


New brother Elijah


New sister Anike Phil