Mojima Etokudo, 2017 Review / 2018 Plans


Greetings to you, my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island church of Christ in Christ precious name.

We are grateful to God almighty that our mission plans for 2017 record 90% success and it is my hope we will achieve more for Christ and His kingdom this year 2018 Lord willing.

Series of evangelism campaigns was carried out mostly in the hinterland and in the urban areas and many became Christians while the backsliding brethren were restored.

A total of Ninety two (92) souls put on Christ in water baptism through my personal and the Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team efforts in all the villages we evangelized and they are worshipping in the various local congregations of the Lord church nearest to them including the two newly planted congregations..

A total of ten (10) erring brethren was restored.

Also, Ninety nine (99) souls baptized into Christ at NCBC annual Bible lectureship in August 2017 and Obong Christian Youth Forum in December 2017 were I served as guest speaker

* Planting of two (2) new  congregations of the Lord (Church of Christ) in 2017 at:

1. Ikot Akpan Essien village on Sunday March 5, 2017.

2. Ikot Osute village on Sunday  December 9, 2017.

* Training of young men as Preachers through my Bible tutorial center the Nigerian Christian College of Evangelism (NCCE) Ukanafun whose men trained are now serving as Preachers in our newly planted churches.

* Roofing of Obon Odor church meeting hall.

* Construction of a block house for Ikot Akpan Eyo church meeting hall hopping to roof the top this year.



* Saturday 6, WBS Seminar/Evangelism at Church of Christ Ikot Akpan Essien on the Theme ” BE TRANSFORM” (Romans 12:1-2).

* Saturday 13, WBS Seminar/Evangelism at Church of Christ Ikot Akpan Eyo on the Theme ” THE GREAT COMMISSION” (Matthew 28:19-20)

* Saturday 20, Christian Couples Retreat/ Door to Door evangelism by NCCE/WBSET at Ukanafun T’ship Church of Christ.

* Thursday – Saturday 25-27, WBS Seminar/Evangelism at church of Christ Ikot Odiong-Ukanafun on the Theme ” CHRISTIAN- BEFORE AND AFTER” (1Peter 2:9-10).


I and members of the Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team will attend the WBS Great Workshop at Abakaliki in Ebonyi State between February 6-10.


* Effective evangelism in communities were we planted new congregations and on virgin lands.

* Retraining program for Christians couples, Youths, Singles and Preachers for effective church growth using the our Bible Tutorial Center “The Nigerian Christian College of Evangelism” (NCCE) Ukanafun.

* Bible Seminars/ Door to Door Evangelism.

* WBS Students Enrollment, Follow up/ Seminar.

* Planting of New Congregations for the Lord..

* Roofing of church meeting hall for Ikot Akpan Eyo village.

* Giving succour to the Needy, Widows, Orphans(sharing of food and used clothes) as a medium to preach Christ to the body and  soul which effect of this act in the past year is tremendous as many beneficiaries become Christian.

* Acquisition of mobility to enhance our evangelism campaigns.

Lord willing, the above and more will be achieve for Christ and His kingdom as His grace reaches us in health, strength, resources and in more vision to explore etc.

Your continued support in prayers is highly needed. Thank you for always being there for us as we labor for Christ in the hinterland of  Nigeria. God bless you.

I and my wife Ekaette, the church at Ikot Odiong and Ikot Akpan Eyo, my coworkers in Ukanafun and its environ wishes you a prosperous 2018. Our prayers continue daily with you.

Again, thank you for all your support and encouragement , God bless you all.

In Christ,
Mojima Etokudo