Mojima Etokudo, Bible Seminar at Ata Essien Obio Akpa

Greetings to you and my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, trust this report finds you well. I and my family are fine, though I am sick and the doctor diagnosis me of Malaria and Typhoid fever, presently on medication and taking some rest as well.

The Bible Seminar/ Evangelism at Church of Christ, Ata Essien Obio Akpa village was rescheduled from March 7 to March 5 due to some community event around there that would have prevent people attending the Gospel campaigns.

Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team led the Door to Door Evangelism through a jungle roads with Tricycle and Open Air Preaching at Village square at night with too much mosquito. I preached during the indoor Bible Seminar. Some Community leaders and Denominational church leaders were available to hear the pure Gospel of Christ we preached. They asked questions and Bible answers was given.

During the Door to Door Evangelism, A Soul obeyed the Gospel and was baptized into Christ, while 4 others obeyed the Gospel during our open Air Preaching at night at village square. 

The five (5) newly baptized received Bible each and some of our prospects also received copies of Bibles to help them study about Christ and His Church.

Thank you so much for your generosity and prayers, we really appreciate you being a great part in our little efforts for Christ and His Church.

 We need more of your prayers for our two other Gospel campaigns in March 2925 that is Women Gospel Seminar on March 15th and Bible Seminar/ Evangelism at Church of Christ, Ikot Akpan Eyo on March 21st.

  We need more of your prayers for our newly baptized and prospects. 

Pray for me, my family and our Ukanafun Evangelism Team for good health and successful mission.

In Christian Love and service,

Mojima Etokudo