Mojima Etokudo, September 2024

Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, it’s been a while, I took some rest as I work to recuperate, hope you all are doing good?.

The month of September was full of rain fall but was fruitful in our labour for Christ kingdom.

September 1:

* I preached at the Gospel meeting at Church of Christ, Ikot Ibritam were we had a Bible Seminar early this year, many denominational church members was in attendance and asked questions about the New Testament Church, hope in God’s appointed time, they will obey the Gospel as we continue to sow the seeds of the Gospel.

* Two (2) baptism was reported from Church of Christ at Ikot Ant village and another at Church of Christ, Ikot Akpan Essien village.

September 7: One Soul baptized into Christ at Church of Christ, Ikot Akpa Idem village during our WBSET door to door Evangelism campaigns

September 8:  One (1) Soul baptized into Christ at Church of Christ Ikot Ant village during our WBSET door to door Evangelism campaigns. 

September 15: One (1) Soul Mr Udim Jimmy a denominational church elder who benefited from our Free Medical check/ Eye Glass during our Bible Seminar/Evangelism in 2021, we continue preaching to him and his family on this day, Mr Udim after visiting our Sunday worship for 3 times, obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ. We’re still following up with his family, praying for his family too to obey the Gospel of Christ.

September 29: One (1) Soul baptized into Christ at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong village during our friends service were members of the community are invited to fellowship with us and the Gospel is preached, meal fellowship and prayers is also features.

September 29: One (1) baptism was reported at Church of Christ,Ata Essien ObioAkpa village, Mr Namnso Johnson was a denominational church Preacher and we preached to him during our Bible Seminar/Evangelism that many came and benefited from our Free Medical check/Eye Glass, with a continue follow up, God bless our work as Namnso obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ. Though his former denominational church are making trouble with him and blaming us for taking away their Preacher, I am optimistic that many of his members will turn to Christ through him. I visited him and prayed and encourage him and will continue to do so.

Seven (7) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ in September 2024 during our ministry for Christ. Pray for the newly baptized and the Labourers. We are praying daily for you our dear brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, God bless you for your generosity and for being a great part and blessings to the churches here and beyond. 


I received report from areas of Sierra Leone I work with my other friends in July and August 2024, that our work has created great impact in that country.

* A new church planted

* Many sinners baptized into Christ.

* Churches are build up

* Evangelism more effective etc.

They requested for me to come again if the Lord will.


We have met severally with the church at Ikot Odiong and our Ukanafun WBSET discussing the 2025 Bible Seminar/ Evangelism considering the great impact on the churches in the past. Details of our 2025 first quarter plans in my next email.

Greetings to the SISTERS CLASS, we are inspired by your regular prayers and messages on cards via regular mail. God bless you and yours in Christ Jesus name.

My wife Ekaette and children sends hello!

In Christian Love and Service,

Mojima Etokudo