Mojima sends…Report from Freetown, Sierra Leone

Report on Leadership Conference in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Greetings to you and yours in Christ Jesus name, trust this finds you well.

Over the course of two days, we had the privilege of conducting training for preachers and emerging leaders from the ten congregations in the capital city of Freetown. A total of 36 preachers and church leaders actively participated in the training sessions at the meeting place of Tengbeh Town Church of Christ, Freetown.

The training sessions were designed to be expository in nature, and the response from the leaders was nothing short of remarkable. They expressed amazement at realizing the extent of their prior lack of understanding. The content covered a range of topics, including the engagement of a preacher, the duties of a preacher, and the responsibilities of the church towards the preacher. Additionally, participants were exposed to church growth strategies and conflict management skills.

In their expression of gratitude, the leaders thanked Mike Udam and myself “Mojima Etokudo”  for what they perceived as a liberation, and earnestly requested our involvement in their upcoming training scheduled for December this year.

Witnessing their journey from a place of ignorance to empowerment was truly moving, and their humility left a lasting impression on me. I am particularly grateful for Peter Makindu, a Nigerian-trained preacher from Sierra Leone, who reached out and provided the opportunity to teach his community. It is through his dedication that the eyes of many have been opened.

As we prepare to worship today in one of the local congregations of the Lord’s Church in Kenema the Eastern province of Sierra Leone, I hope to preach the Sermon , we are also looking forward to conducting similar training for the preachers and leaders in that region tomorrow and Tuesday thereafter, we will be returning to Nigeria this week Lord willing. Your prayers for our endeavors are deeply appreciated.

Say my hello to my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ.

In Christian Love and Service,

Mojima Etokudo