Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, trust this report finds you well. Among the many planned Bible Seminars/Evangelism campaigns in the 1st quarter of 2024, we have carried out some as will be reported here and still continue with the remaining as outlined. This report covers January 1-31 and February 1-26, 2024.
* January 6:
The CHRISTIAN COUPLES RETREAT on the theme ” SOUL SAVING FAMILY VERSUS WEALTH MAKING FAMILY” was held at Church of Christ Ukanafun with 67 Couples drawn from 29 local churches. Two couples from the denominational churches also attended which one of the couple who attended the retreat later baptized during our Bible Seminar at Ikot Ant. It was a great boost to the church as some couples testified of restoring Peace in their respective homes after attending the previous years Christian Couples Retreat. There was request to make it a regular meeting at other churches location to help reach out to many Christians families
* January 7:
– On the first Sunday of January, I preached the sermon on Resolution from Joshua 24:15
EFFECT: Four (4) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ, 3 of those baptized were children of Godwin Titus Noah the denominational church Preacher who obeyed the Gospel last year July.
– Two (2) Souls also baptized into Christ at the newly planted church at Abiakpo Nkap.
A total of about 263 participants took part at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong Bible Seminar/Evangelism 2024 and many benefited from our Free Medical Services (Eye Test, Glasses, Blood Sugar/pressure check, Malaria check and medications.
Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team led the Door to Door Evangelism campaigns and Open Air preaching at market place and village square at both Day and Night as well as indoor Bible Lecture. There was Free feeding and accomodations throughout the duration of the event.
EFFECT: Eight (8) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ while Four (4) erring brethren was restored back to the faith from their backsliding way.
Some of the newly baptized who are not from Ikot Odiong and it’s close village was referred to the nearest church to them.
* January 14:
– Two (2) Souls baptized into Christ at Ikot Odiong during our Sunday worship, they were also participants at our Bible Seminar/Evangelism.
– One (1) Soul obeyed the Gospel at Ikot Akpa Idem as reported by the Preacher.
* January 21:
– Three (3) Souls again obeyed the Gospel at Ikot Odiong and baptized into Christ still the effects of our Bible Seminar/Evangelism, one of them was referred to the Preacher were he will worship.
– Two (2) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ at Two Towns Church of Christ Ikot Akpan Afaha were we had our Bible Seminar/Evangelism in December 25.
– One (1) Soul obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ at Church of Christ, Ata Essien Obioakpa.
* January 23-27: I and our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team join other 700 participants at the 2024 WBS Great Workshop at the Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC) Ukpom Abak, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. I was one of the officiating Ministers at the end,
EFFECT: Four (4) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ. Chad Wagner, Archer Honea, Brian and Sondra Davis all from the USA were in attendance.
* January 28:
– I was one of the officiating Ministers at the WBS Seminar/ Evangelism at Two Towns Church of Christ, Manta/Midim Abak with Brian Davis, Chad Wagner and Archer Honea as guest Speakers.
EFFECT: One (1) Soul obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
– The Church of Christ at Ikot Una and Ikot Akpan Afaha reported There (3) Baptism.
* Baptism — = 31
* Restoration -= 4
** FEBRUARY 2024:
* February 1-3 (Bible Seminar/ Evangelism at Church of Christ, Ikot Anta) The 3 days Bible Seminar/ Evangelism features Door to Door Evangelism, Open Air preaching at market place and village square, indoor Bible Lecture and Mobile Preaching at rural areas using Tricycle, also feature was out Free Medical outreach Free Eye Test/Glass and other simple medical services.
EFFECT: Four (4) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ all from the denominational churches including a couple who participated at our Couples Retreat.
* Feb 4:
– Two (2) Souls baptized into Christ at Ikot Anta during Sunday worship those we preached to during our Bible Seminar/ Evangelism door to door there.
– One (1) Soul baptized into Christ at Ikot Ibritam church as reported by the Preacher.
– Two (2) Souls baptized into Christ at the newly planted church at Abiakpo as reported by the Preacher.
* February 10: (BIBLE SEMINAR/ EVANGELISM AT CHURCH OF CHRIST-, IKOT AKPAN EYO) ” Christian Relationship with the World” Keynote (Christian and Tradition)
Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team led the door to door Evangelism, I, my wife and children was also in the field. The indoor Bible Lecture was rewarding as the theme ” Christian Relationship with the World” was x-rays using examples as it affects us with the Bible position.
EFFECT: One (1) Nseobong Okon Akpan obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
* February 11:
During our Sunday worship, I preached the sermon on Church as a Divine Institution from God at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong, some visitors from the denominational churches who promised to visit the church during our Bible Seminar/Evangelism was in attendance.
EFFECT: Two (2) Souls ( Aniefiok Dick and David Sandy) obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
February 16:
While in preparation for the Women Gospel Seminar at church of Christ, Ikot Odiong, one of the village youth who came around to fetch water from the Shackle Island Water also received the Living Water as I shared the Gospel, he (Lucky Enobong) was baptized.
EFFECT: One (1) Baptism
ATTENDANCE: 463 Christian women drawn from 63 local congregations of the Lord’s Church in Akwa Ibom State, Some non members of the Lord’s church also was in attendance.
EFFECT: Two (2) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
February 18:
During our Sunday worship at Ikot Odiong, the husband of one of those baptized during the Women Gospel Seminar Mr Effiong Dickson a former denominational church leader after my sermon on ” THINGS YOU CANNOT DO” ,he was baptized into Christ.
EFFECT: One (1) Baptism and Two (2) erring brethren was restored back to the faith.
February 22 – 24: BIBLE SEMINAR/ EVANGELISM at Church of Christ, Ikot Akpa Idem village on the Theme “THE ANCIENT PATH” with a keynote ” WHERE IS THE GOOD WAY-” Jere 16:6. The 3 days Bible Seminar/ Evangelism features Door to Door Evangelism, Discipleship Training, Open Air preaching at market place in the night, Free Eye Test/Glasses, Free Feeding and indoor Bible Lecture.
EFFECT: Eleven (11) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ while 4 erring brethren was restored back to the faith.
February 25: During our Sunday Sunday worship at Church of Christ Ikot Odiong, I preached the sermon from Matthew 28:18-20,
EFFECT: Three Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
* Baptism = 30
* Restoration = 6
Between 2024 January to February 25
* Baptism. = 61
* Restoration = 10
* Each of the newly baptized received a copy of Bibles to enhance their studies of Christ and His Church.
* Some prospects who desires to learn from the Bible also received copies to help them too.
* Our Bible Seminars also feature FREE Medical Services, FREE Eyes Test/Glass and FREE Feeding.
Our Evangelism Van has really payoff as it boost our Evangelism through transportation and team work, we equally hire Tricycle and Motorcycle for Gospel campaigns and all of these payoff.
We have accomplished our planned Bible Seminars/ Evangelism at the following Churches areas:
1. Two Towns Church of Christ, Ikot Akpan Afaha
2. Church of Christ, Ikot Akpa Nkuk (Christian Couples Retreat)
3. Church of Christ Ikot Odiong,
4. Church of Christ, Ikot Anta
5. Church of Christ, Ikot Akpan Eyo
6. Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong (Women Gospel Seminar
7. Church of Christ, Ikot Akpa Idem
Our Bible Seminar/Evangelism/ Follow up mission continues at:
* Church of Christ, Ikot Ibritam village on March 2
* Church of Christ, Ata Essien Obioakpa village on March 22 – 23,
* Retreat for the Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong for appraisal after the 2024 first quarter Bible Seminars/ Evangelism is planned for the last week of March.
* Then I will go on vacation for 2 weeks or more to recuperate as I am physically stressed..
We need your continued prayers. It’s been very hectic, our economy crumble, cost of things higher than our budget BUT we are thankful to God for His Grace and the harvest He gave through our little efforts. You have been a great part in our work for Christ, God bless you for your generosity, know that your labour of love really payoff and God will sure rewards you all in hundreds fold in Christ Jesus name.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo